Shaving Cream Painting

Shaving Cream PaintingLast summer when our out-of-state grand kids were visiting I wanted something fun to do with them that didn’t involve a lot of expense or stuffing them all in the car. I’m re-posting the craft project we did because we all had so much fun and it actually is a good “stuck in the house” art project for any time of the year. If you try this I hope you have as much fun as we did with Shaving Cream Painting!

Shaving Cream Painting & Colored Rice Art

Shaving Cream Painting

My friend Peg, her youngest daughter, and her granddaughters came over to create art with my grand kids. First they did their Colored Rice Art, which they enjoyed and then we did Shaving Cream Painting. They loved it!

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Colored Rice Art for Little Kids

When my boys were toddlers I used to love watching them create. I bought gallons of non-toxic paints, truckloads of paper of various types, and brushes of every size and description. But it was my neighbor, Nanny Jean, who taught me about colored rice art for little kids.

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