Another Wedding Weekend

Just three weeks ago we celebrated Pete and Andi’s wedding and this past weekend our daughter, Jami married John! There wasn’t too much for me to do to get ready for this wedding. John’s mother wanted a catered brunch. The kids did get to have a barbecue in the evening, though. So it was another weekend wedding for the family and I’m worn out!

Another Wedding Weekend

Another Wedding Weekend

Some Wedding Pictures

It’s been a long time since I posted my normal stuff but the wedding things had to come first. It’s not every day your “baby” gets married. I did some baking for the wedding but forgot to take pictures. I’ll have to remake at least one of the recipes to post. But first some wedding pictures!

Some wedding pictures

Some Wedding Pictures

Early Morning Heartbreak

Almost every day I get up before the sun and take a cup of coffee to the front porch. I sit and listen to the birds and watch the bats in their last frantic effort to feed before sunrise. But my real reason for sitting out front instead of in back is that I can watch our foxes romping on the wide expanse of grass across the road. That was not the case this morning. Instead of enjoying the beginning of the day it was early morning heartbreak for me.

Early Morning Heartbreak

Early Morning Heartbreak

A Very Busy, Happy Day

We all have days that are very busy and we all have days that are very happy. Unfortunately sometimes those days aren’t the same day. But I just had a day that was a very busy, happy day! And it made me think about what I need to do to have more days like it.

A very busy, happy day

A Very Busy, Happy Day

The Wonders of Sunrise

Last night I didn’t sleep at all. By the very wee hours I was exceptionally frustrated. All I wanted to do was sleep. As the sky just began to lighten I went to sit on the porch. At least if I began complaining about lack of sleep no one would have to hear it. But as I sat there I experienced again the wonders of sunrise.

The Wonders of Sunrise

The Wonders of Sunrise

What Today was Supposed to be Like

The weekend didn’t go quite as I had planned. And because the weekend didn’t go as planned today isn’t going to either. What today was supposed to be like is going to be a little more rushed or a little more laid back. I haven’t decided. After all, it’s not quite 6 a.m. and I’ve only had one (massive) cup of coffee!

What Today was Supposed to be Like

What Today was Supposed to be Like

It’s Only Wednesday

Yesterday I woke up with a migraine that felt like I was trying to give birth through my right eye. It was…unpleasant. And the rest of the day was equally as lovely. I’d accomplished so much on Monday that I was convinced this week I’d get my Super Wife/Mama/Bam cape and fly through the rest of the days like a super star. Now I’m wondering if I’m going to manage to make a pot of coffee (and at 5:05 a.m. I need it)! It’s only Wednesday!

It's Only Wednesday

It’s Only Wednesday

The Armed Robbers Finale

Please be patient. The end of the story of the armed robbers is long but I believe you’ll find it worth reading. The two perpetrators had been caught thanks to the quick response of the town police and the county Sheriff’s Department. And they were caught the same night mostly due to the incredible work of the town’s canine unit. Now the legal process would begin. I had no idea that this would be an ordeal in itself. Here’s the rest of the story. The Armed Robbers Finale.

The Armed Robbers Part 1

The Armed Robbers Finale



The Armed Robbers Part 3

“Then go into the back room.” The back room.” I thought. “That’s where they herd you so they can shoot you in the back of the head.” In 2003 my youngest son and I were involved in an armed robbery. It’s been 14 years and I still remember the incident vividly. This is the story of that event. The Armed Robbers Part 3.
The Armed Robbers Part 1

The Armed Robbers Part 3


The Armed Robbers Part 2

In February of 2003 my son and I were “victims” of an armed robbery. I put the word victims in quotes because I don’t really feel like a victim and neither does my son. We both feel pretty darned victorious. This is the next installment of the story of that robbery. The Armed Robbers Part 2.

The Armed Robbers Part 1

The Armed Robbers Part 2