Gardening in the Heat

Yesterday the actual temperature reached 90 degrees and the humidity was typical for a Michigan summer day. In other words, it felt like I’d been hit in the face with a hot, wet cloth when I stepped outside. A sensible person would have gone immediately back into the air conditioned house. But I’m me so I decided to do a little gardening in the heat.

Gardening in the heat

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Keeping Busy

For the last week I’ve been struggling with an impressive increase in pain in my spine and leg. This has made it hard to do all the things I need to do. I decided to take it easy in the kitchen but I have definitely been keeping busy.

Keeping busy

Keeping Busy

Big Changes on the Flower Beds

We’ve been hard at work restoring the flower beds for the last few days. That’s why you haven’t been seeing much of me. But my absence has meant big changes on the flower beds! In spite of losing Pete for most of those days Mr. C and I have been able to accomplish a great deal. It’s been really fun! And the results are amazing for such a short time!

Big changes on the flower beds

Big Changes on the Flower Beds

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

After procrastinating for a couple of weeks because I was a big baby about my sprained foot we are finally getting to work on the flower beds! It’s going to take a lot to restore them but the start we got to today makes me feel confident.

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds

As part of my Goals and Challenges for 2017 I wanted to get the flower beds back into shape. Sadly a lot of the perennials I had planted were mistakenly uprooted when Mr. Comfortable “weeded” for me a couple of years ago. Other plants just came to the end of their lives. Now it’s time for me to begin restoring my neglected flower beds. I hope you can use some of the tricks I’m using to help your flower gardens!

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds