Keeping Busy

For the last week I’ve been struggling with an impressive increase in pain in my spine and leg. This has made it hard to do all the things I need to do. I decided to take it easy in the kitchen but I have definitely been keeping busy.

Keeping busy

Keeping Busy

Big Changes on the Flower Beds

We’ve been hard at work restoring the flower beds for the last few days. That’s why you haven’t been seeing much of me. But my absence has meant big changes on the flower beds! In spite of losing Pete for most of those days Mr. C and I have been able to accomplish a great deal. It’s been really fun! And the results are amazing for such a short time!

Big changes on the flower beds

Big Changes on the Flower Beds

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

After procrastinating for a couple of weeks because I was a big baby about my sprained foot we are finally getting to work on the flower beds! It’s going to take a lot to restore them but the start we got to today makes me feel confident.

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

Getting to Work on the Flower Beds

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds

As part of my Goals and Challenges for 2017 I wanted to get the flower beds back into shape. Sadly a lot of the perennials I had planted were mistakenly uprooted when Mr. Comfortable “weeded” for me a couple of years ago. Other plants just came to the end of their lives. Now it’s time for me to begin restoring my neglected flower beds. I hope you can use some of the tricks I’m using to help your flower gardens!

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds

Restoring My Neglected Flower Beds

Plants & Flowers for Your Shade Garden

The front of my house faces north. While this means that my vegetable garden is bathed in sunlight from dawn until dusk the side of my house that makes the first impression is not so blessed. The bottom part of my lawn gets plenty of sun; the good thing about having a ranch style home. The flower beds that line the foundation of the house get no real sun. Ever.

Continue reading “Plants & Flowers for Your Shade Garden”

How to Have a Great Garden for Less Money

I love my vegetable garden. I spend most of my summer out there even when it really doesn’t need my attention. I get a thrill just seeing my vegetables growing. Yet even though I love my garden I’m not going to spend a fortune on it each season. I grow vegetables because home-grown are healthier and cheaper than store bought. Over the years I’ve learned how to have a great garden for less money.

  Continue reading “How to Have a Great Garden for Less Money”

Don’t Get Rid of These Garden Bugs!

When I was younger bugs freaked me out. As I got older I’ve found I can handle things like ladybugs and fireflies but most bugs still kind of give me a little chill down my spine. They’re so darned fast and they have all those legs! When I first started gardening I either ran away from or killed every bug that I saw. Now, decades later, I’ve come to appreciate some of those critters. Not all bugs are good but if you want your garden to thrive don’t get rid of these bugs!

Continue reading “Don’t Get Rid of These Garden Bugs!”

Creating Curb Appeal

As ashamed as I am to admit it I’ve neglected the front of my house for several years. And before my husband got cancer he helped by “weeding” the flower beds at the front of the house. I lost most of the plants I’d so lovingly chosen and also almost all the ones my sons had given me for several Mother’s Days. The hill that is beside our driveway near the road had been carefully cleared and flowers and plants had taken up residence. Now it’s overgrown again and I don’t even know if anything I planted has survived. In short, my home has absolutely no curb appeal.

Continue reading “Creating Curb Appeal”