Skillet Garlic Parmesan Broccoli

I feel just terrible. This summer I’ve almost entirely ignored broccoli in my cooking. It’s really strange because, even as a kid, broccoli has always been one of my favorite vegetables. I keep expecting to get a sad email from a head of broccoli asking why we broke up. Before that happens I’m making Skillet Garlic Parmesan Broccoli. I hate sad emails, especially from vegetables I love.

Skillet Garlic Parmesan Broccoli

View full post and recipe on The Comfortable Coop

Super Simple Spicy Green Beans

Fresh green beans are one of our favorite vegetables. And I have a lot of them right now. To make things a bit more interesting I made Super Simple Spicy Green Beans last night. They’re always a hit with Mr. Comfortable and I love them too! Anything that takes a “same old” vegetable to the next level has to be good, right?

Super Simple Spicy Green Beans

View The Comfortable Coop for the full post and recipe.

Herbed Peas with Shallots

Peas are a pretty versatile vegetable. You can simply get them hot and serve them with a little butter or you can make them into something fancier. An easy-to-make dish that makes peas really special is Herbed Peas with Shallots.

Herbed Peas with Shallots

Originally published on The Comfortable Coop

Paprika Green Beans

I was so happy with the flavors of Aunt Millie’s Hungarian Goulash that I decided to try some of the flavors to make green beans special. Mr. C and I both gobbled up Paprika Green Beans and I’ll be making these green beans again!

Paprika Green Beans

Originally published on The Comfortable Coop

Parmesan Lemon Roasted Asparagus

Since Andi brought me that big bag of asparagus I can’t stop thinking about it. I made Simple Roasted Asparagus the other day but I had asparagus left and still wanted more! Just to jazz things up I listened to a suggestion Margaret from Soul Food 101 and made Parmesan Lemon Roasted Asparagus.

Parmesan Lemon Roasted Asparagus

Originally published on The Comfortable Coop

Simple Roasted Asparagus

Asparagus used to be a spring only treat but now asparagus is available in most places year round. And I’m not talking about that awful canned asparagus. This is the asparagus you get in the produce section, not the canned or even frozen aisles! I love the stuff and last night I made simple roasted asparagus.

Simple Roasted Asparagus

Originally published on The Comfortable Coop

Breaded Zucchini, Mushrooms & Onions – An Experiment

I can never make things easy for myself without doing something at the same time that makes it harder. When I decided to make my Marinated Slow Cooker Chuck Roast because it was hot and I was tired I should have stopped. But I decided to also make breaded vegetables. And, being me, I thought I should try something different. So here it is; Breaded Zucchini, Mushrooms & Onions – An Experiment.

Breaded Zucchini, Mushrooms & Onions - An Experiment

Breaded Zucchini, Mushrooms & Onions – An Experiment

Patriotic Pasta Salad

What could be more patriotic than a red, white, and blue pasta salad at your Memorial Day or 4th of July barbecue? Serve a simple, classic pasta salad and an all-American side dish when you make Patriotic Pasta Salad!

Patriotic Pasta Salad is a familiar taste with a colorful new look!

Patriotic Pasta Salad