Happy Thanksgiving

Each year it has been our tradition to name a few things for which we’re thankful as we’re gathered at the Thanksgiving table. When the kids were young it was usually giving thanks for vacations or new pets. As they grew older their perspectives changed and they were thankful for the things that are kind of easy to take for granted. This year, as I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, I wanted to share the things for which I’m truly thankful this year.


This past year was difficult for reasons I’ve written about since my return. Yet what stands out to me as I sit here is not the trials we’ve faced but the good fortune we’ve had in the face of whatever troubles we’ve experienced.

We lost our home but we’re blessed to live with our wonderful youngest son and his amazing family. My daughter-in-law and I get along better than any two women of disparate backgrounds and ages should. We get to see our son every evening. We have two of our granddaughters here every single day to enjoy.

The living conditions are unpolished right now but because of my mother-in-law, we’re going to be making some great improvements starting quite soon. Her kindness in surprising us with an inheritance means we’ll be living in great comfort.

I’ve had some health issues but because of one they discovered another. This summer I had lactic acidosis which landed me in the hospital twice. After the second visit I learned that the condition has a 50% mortality rate yet I had little trouble recovering and there are no lingering issues. And because I had the lactic acidosis they discovered my heart condition and have been following me closely since. They taught me what was “normal” and what symptoms should cause me to go to the hospital. Now I don’t worry when my heart races or thumps.

The most recent diagnosis of myasthenia gravis while definitely unexpected was certainly not as bad as other diseases. It explains a great deal and, with treatment, I should feel pretty perky most of the time.

And I’m most grateful for Mr. C. He has stood with me through my health issues and been so appreciative of my care for him while he was fighting cancer. He makes me feel like I was Florence Nightingale. Mr. C still thinks I’m beautiful. He laughs at my jokes. He’s never made me return a dog that “followed me home” even when we had to drive for an hour to get the dog that would “follow me.”

Mr. C makes me laugh every single day. I can think of no other quality that I appreciate more than his ability to make me giggle no matter what is happening.

I’m so grateful for the things I’ve learned in the last year. And I’m very, very thankful that you have taken time to read my posts since I’ve returned. Thank you. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Author: Elizabeth

I'm a wife, mom, and grandma (known as Bam) who loves cooking, baking, gardening, and all things that go into making a cozy coop for my brood. I have a disability so you may pick up tips on how to do things when some things just don't work right!

21 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving”

      1. Yes, we don’t get to choose, Elizabeth. Just pray for the strength to take life as it is. I went through cancer and other things. I’m thankful that the last twelve year (even though cancer was during those years) was good!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanksgiving (the actual one) was quiet. The kids went to her family’s huge gathering. We were invited but wouldn’t have been home in time to put the ducks to bed.
      On Saturday we had our Thanksgiving with the kids, grand kids, and our daughter-in-law’s other side of the family. It was a lot of fun.
      I hope your Thanksgiving was perfect!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, that’s just awful! Is she alright? Poor baby! My friend, Peg just went through that and I can’t imagine how painful it would be!
        I hope the majority of the day was nice and please tell your daughter I’m praying for her and “Poor Baby!!!”

        Liked by 1 person

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