Going off plan

The night before last I had a game plan all set for Friday. But I’m learning that my body won’t always cooperate with my ideas. Instead of putting more things in their place, vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning out the refrigerator as I thought I would do  I found myself going off plan. I did accomplish something but it was not at all what I expected.


I got up early Friday morning with my to-do list in my head and on my phone. All I needed was a cup of coffee and a few minutes to really wake up. I started up the stairs to the kitchen and promptly fell on my face.

This has become a thing with me. I fall up the stairs at least once a day. The physical therapist told me it’s because my muscles aren’t lifting my toes all the way up and they catch on the edge of the stair and I’m down for the count.

In spite of the face plant I was sure I could get things done. The floors desperately need to be vacuumed and mopped. I need to dust. The refrigerator needs to be cleared out and washed down. Coffee was all I needed.

I carefully filled my cup and took it back downstairs, walking as though I were on a high wire. No more falling down the stairs for me! Sipping my warm brew I still believed I could finish my list. But even as I sat there I could feel my muscles rebelling. It was hard to lift my coffee cup. And it was very difficult to walk to put the cup away.


I decided it was time to admit I’d be going off plan. Instead of housework I could make a couple of freezer meals and call it a day if I needed to quit. Since I’ve been a huge fan of freezer meals for years I knew I could throw a couple together even allowing for rest stops.

If you’re having a busy day I suggest you try these. They’re really tasty the day you make them or you can throw them in the freezer for meals later.

First I made Easy Beef Enchiladas. Mr. C and I like the slightly spicy sauce and the leftovers freeze beautifully and reheat easily.


Since I was going to spend time upstairs in the kitchen I decided to also make a batch of Creamy Chicken Quesadillas. Of course the way I fold the poor things I don’t know if I should call them quesadillas.


I cooked and shredded four chicken breasts then added chili powder, chipotle chili powder, and garlic powder. When the spices were well mixed with the chicken I added a can of Rotel tomatoes with green chilies and mixed it in. When that was all blended I tossed in 3 ounces of cream cheese because why wouldn’t I?



I put 1/2 cup or so of the chicken mixture on a large flour tortilla then fold the tortilla around the mix. I know there’s a way to do this so the tortillas come out this kind of cool semi-round shape but I didn’t care what they looked like by the time I was ready to fry them. They ended up looking like some sort of tortilla envelope. I fried them until they were crispy and served them with sour cream and they were delicious!

There is enough left for another meal and I still have the entire tray of Beef Enchiladas for three more meals.

My original plans went sideways but going off plan turned out to be okay. And I can always vacuum today.

Author: Elizabeth

I'm a wife, mom, and grandma (known as Bam) who loves cooking, baking, gardening, and all things that go into making a cozy coop for my brood. I have a disability so you may pick up tips on how to do things when some things just don't work right!

11 thoughts on “Going off plan”

    1. And putting off vacuuming worked out great! Mr. C went around and swept so when I do vacuum it’ll be a piece of cake. And I’ll remind him I’m officially a Muscular dystrophy kid so he should mop! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I checked this morning and the dust is still there. Whew! I was SO worried it had decided to leave on its own. lol Today is going to be my “clean everything until you drop day.” Since I made the beef enchiladas the day I made the envelopes I have supper covered.
      But if I do all that work shouldn’t Mr. C have to feed me peeled grapes and rub my feet this evening?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I dropped a hint. I said, “You’re taking me out to dinner and by that I mean you’re going to go pick up whatever I want and bring it to me.” Being a wise fellow he instantly replied, “Whatever you want, Sweetheart.”
        I unpacked boxes, dusted, and now I’m going to vacuum. I’m still going to want that foot rub!

        Liked by 1 person

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